Monday, January 02, 2006

babel fish

I just added Altavista's Babel Fish (translator) to my blog. There are some kinks. It seems to be able to translate one blog entry at a time but not much more than that. To translate any given entry, what you can do is first click on the time at the bottom of the entry you want (so then you get one entry showing) and then on the side bar, click on the flag appropriate to the language you want the entry translated into. Enjoy.


brownfemipower said...

how cool is that????
what a great idea!
i *will* be copying you shortly!!! ;-)

Abdul-Halim V. said...

It seems to be working better now...

Except the translations themselves can be kind of funny.

the Babelfish turned an entry about Anne Rice's new book into one about "del libro nuevo del arroz de Anne"... lol...