Friday, January 06, 2006

ex-prisoner rights

Black Voice News: Formerly Incarcerated People Organize to fight Discrimination in S.B.

This is actually an issue I think alot about from time to time. What is the whole purpose of punishment and the criminal justice system (I'm still not sure how to diagram that last phrase). If the goal is rehabilitation then as a society, you want to do everything you can to help people get re-integrated in society when they get out. But if we aren't willing to do that, what was the point of letting them out in the first place?


No no said...

I am glad that you have posted on this issue and I have been meaning to write on it.

R J Noriega said...

well the idea of rehabilitation is not really the purpose of the adult prison system anymore. to see the idea of reform within a prison setting you have to look to most juvenile instituitions, where the small numbers and insistance on forced conformity to the norms of outside society are made major priorities.

Adult prison complexs are basically storage cells where people are placed and made to work or rot, or sometimes both. and the the large NGO's make money off of this by either creating the jails or supplying the needed resources to keep people inprisoned.

If you follow the money its obvious that America's prison system is a social hydra that needs to be pruned or its gonna keep on hurting poor people and become more rotted till the entire system is pointless.