Saturday, August 20, 2005

tariq ali

Tariq Ali was mentioned in the last entry as a member of Telesur's board. In spite of his name he's actually not Muslim, but comes from a secular post-colonial perspective. So basically, he wants the US to stay out of brown folk's business, but once the US stays out, he still wouldn't want the religious forces to take over. Interesting guy. I saw him give a speech on the US occupation of Iraq when his book "Clash of Fundamentalisms" came out. When I have more time, I plan on reading more of his stuff.

Tariq Ali's entry on Wikipedia
Tariq Ali's page on ZNET
Tariq Ali's page from the New Left Review


The Humanity Critic said...

good post. Just passing through, I'm digging the blog by the way.

Abdul-Halim V. said...

Thanks, glad you like the blog!