Monday, October 10, 2005

dia de la raza / columbus day

Today is the second Monday in October, better known as Columbus Day. In much of Latin America, October 12 is celebrated as Dia De La Raza (Day of the Race) because it marks the anniversary of the encounter which ultimately led to the creation of a "new" Latino civilization in the New World. Some people will view the date uncritically and celebrate Columbus' accomplishments in a positive light. Others will emphasize the loss experienced by the indigenous groups who were already in the Americas and view the encounter as an unqualified tragedy. Yet others will adopt a more bittersweet perspective, recognizing the violence which occurred, but at the same time recognizing the new cultures which grew from that encounter.

Elenamary reflecting on Dia De La Raza
Wikipedia on Columbus Day (with several "alternative" links)
ending poem - previous entry on mestizaje

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