Saturday, May 14, 2005

racial jujitsu or the more things change...

Even though this is a bit old, I had actually never heard it before and I thought it was interesting enough to share. The browning and yellowing of whiteness is a look at the book: A Review of Who is White?: Latinos, Asians, and the New Black/Nonblack Divide by George Yancey (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2003)

From what I gather, the basic idea is the following: We all know that in 2050 or some other magical date further down the road, white people (according to contemporary definitions) will become a minority in the United States. And the naive view (which I can't say I've completely ruled-out) is that new demographic realities will then force American society to be more inclusive and less racist in certain respects. At the very least, the more extreme forms of white supremacy which depend on majority-rule should be significantly weakened.

The bad news suggested by Yancey is that whiteness (which is a social construction anyway) will then morph in ways which will still be oppressive to Blacks. And that just as in the past other immigrant groups (Irish, Italian, Jewish, etc.) "became" white one after another, in time Asian-Americans and Hispanics will also become "white", and African-Americans will remain excluded.

"pretty sneaky sis"

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