Monday, May 30, 2005

blogs blogs blogs

i haven't yet found the *perfect* set of blogrolls for the various issues invoked on Planet Grenada. But some really good collections (which can be reached from my own blogroll) are:

elenamary - de aqui y de alla: which i recently learned about on latino pundit and generously lists other latino blogs.

negrophile: a good blog in and of itself but which also has the single longest blogroll of black blogs i've seen.

As far as Muslim blogs go, I'm not sure which is the most comprehensive in terms of blogrolling. But one which is pretty generous when it comes to blogrolling is sunni sister and another page which i included as some muslim blogs is decent as well.


Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

Sports Picks said...

I think learned about on latino pundit and generously lists other latino blogs.