Friday, May 27, 2005

on the road again...

I will be travelling this weekend so I'll probably be doing more thinking about what to blog on than actual blogging. For any newcomers, the bulk of the entries are on "muslim stuff", "afro/black stuff" or "latino/hispanic stuff", preferably in some combination, but not necessarily so. If you stop to think about it, the above parameters actually cover alot of ground. (It really makes me curious about who is reading.) In any case, in the process of writing, it has been interesting for me to find connections which weren't as clear to me before. A few entries here and there have been about other "stuff". But I think that in the future I'll probably loosen up some more about topics and write more broadly about religion, race, culture and politics, but still from a "moorish" perspective.
So...Peace... until Monday or so.


elnaynay said...

this is in response to your comment on our blog:

No, you are wrong sir.
Most "Latinos" (mexicans) come to this country illegally and not showing up on census reports. Most of them pay nothing in the way of taxes. Yes, they do work, but they form their own little communities.
Well, other nationalities did that you might say.
Yes they did, but they also made learning the English language a top priority in their communities. These Latino communities don't take great measures to insure that they're children are learning English and the U.S. government isnt doing much to stop them. We now have so many "bilingual" schools that there is no need for a Latino to learn English. Plus the "bilingual" schools pretty much only speak Spanish. I know this for a fact because I have an aunt that works in them. She is getting disgusted with the negligence of children's parents to teach them English.

Other ethnicites celebrate their holidays because they have been here for so long that their celebrations and holidays have become a part of our culture.
All this new Hispanic history month crap is new. Most Latino people live in the Southwest and I have never been there so I cannot say that it hasn't become a part of the culture there. But everywhere else, people don't have a major Hispanic influence and therefore, are not affected in any way by these assemblies.

I'm tired of typing about a topic that has a clear answer that nobody wants to say because it will "hurt some groups feelings".

Thats retarted and stupid.

Abdul-Halim V. said...

Firstly, just to get it out of the way, you should have said that Latino communities don't take great measures to insure that THEIR children are learning English (not "they're" children).

Secondly, your sweeping generalizations aren't really backed up by solid facts. Most Latinos don't come into the country illegally. And just by virtue of working in the US and buying goods to survive, at the very least even undocumented workers pay sales tax and contribute to the US economy that way.

The rest of your post is basically emotional and does more to reveal your underlying attitudes than present useful or valid information.

rabfish said...

what an ignorant comment!

your blog seems cool

Abdul-Halim V. said...

thanks, likewise

La Madre said...

I am looking forward to the afro-latino posts...a topic that I deeply love discussing and reading.