Monday, September 05, 2005

black orpheus

I rememeber back in college I was taking a class on Philosophy, Race and Racism. One of the readings included the introduction to a famous collection of negritude Poetry called Black Orpheus. The author (Jean-Paul Sartre) was pretty deep. He was saying that the French language was made for French people. White French People. For centuries upon centuries the language was designed to express, reflect and support their history, their experience, their ideas, their feelings and emotions, their point of view. And so when Black people use French to talk about their own lives, they are using French for a purpose it was never meant for, so the the language can't help but break and crack and come out as poetry. I like that.

1 comment:

La Madre said...

"so the the language can't help but break and crack and come out as poetry. I like that." me too.
Though I think we have adapted our colonizing languages (spanish, french, portuguese, english) to our bastardization...just like us.