Wednesday, April 26, 2006

the mad dervish

I was doing a search recently and found Manuel aka the Mad Dervish who is another Latino Muslim blogger (on Myspace). Like most myspace blogs he tends to run on the personal side but I'll still give him a shout-out.


DA said...

The personal is the political, or so I've heard :-P

Abdul-Halim V. said...

You have a point.

And in some sense the mere existence of Latino Muslims (and several other combination of social identities) will have some political implications. At the same time, I would still say that people on myspace tend to blog in order to socialize with other people who share common interests... while many people on blogspot (or other services) use their blogs as a soapbox of sorts.

Abdul-Halim V. said...

I feel like I should add that more personal blogs are cool, as are more soap-boxy blogs. A place for everything and everything in its place.