Monday, April 03, 2006

immigrant rights

In the spirit of Latino/Muslim unity, Ihsan (the excellent Muslim group blog) has put together an informative and useful collection of links on the subject of Immigrant Rights

Also, on Alternet a brief piece called Viva la Immigration Debate adds a nuance of complexity to the current situation by looking at how Cesar Chavez (born a U.S. citizen) approached the issue of immigration.


sondjata said...

Interesting. What exactly is your position on the subject?

Abdul-Halim V. said...

I think that a large component of the anti-immigrant sentiment displayed by folks like the minutemen or the house resolution being protested nationwide basically comes from a racist place and should be opposed.

I think there are some rational policy grounds for putting limits on immigration but I'm concerned about it is being implemented.

I think the idea of creating a guest worker program so that immigrants could come and work and contribute to the economy in a legally recognized way sounds really good and I'm hopeful in terms of what could come out of that approach.