Saturday, November 05, 2005

new age jahiliyyah

In Hip Hop and the “New Age” of Ignorance Adisa Banjoko points to an interesting parallel between the age of Jahiliyah (ignorance) before the coming of the prophet Muhammad (saaws) and the ignorance which is manifested in many of our modern urban communities. I've often seen some of the same similarities myself. On the one hand, these similarities indicate that there are a lot of deep problems in our cities which need to be addressed. On the other hand, they also suggest that if Arabia in the time of jahiliyyah was ready for the coming of Muhammad, then perhaps our modern urban areas will be especially receptive to Muslim efforts to serve and contribute those same communities. I don't want to speak for them, but that seems to be one of the main pillars behind the organization I.M.A.N. (Inner-city Muslim Action Network)

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