Here is a story from the San Francisco Chronicle (thanks George) called The Wonderful Wizards of Ozomatli. They are an AMAZING band. I've seen them in concert and have some of their music. Their musical influences trot the globe, but Latin, African (and recently) Middle Eastern/North African sounds are certainly well-represented. At one point, Ozomatli also shared members with the equally creative, partially Muslim, rap collective Jurassic 5.
Ozomatli's website
Wikipedia on Ozomatli

Interview with Chali 2NA of Jurassic 5
Jurassic 5's website
Wikipedia on Jurassic 5

Ozomatli, J5, are awesome. Saw them both in concert last year. Got about 2 feet away from the Ozo guys as they came into the crowd at the end of their set. Good article, the world could learn a bit from their eclecticism and appreciation of other races/cultures. Salaams.
I haven't seen J5 in concert yet but I have some of their CDs. And they are pretty sweet.
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