Islam is at the heart of an emerging global anti-hegemonic culture that combines diasporic and local cultural elements, and blends Arab, Islamic, black and Hispanic factors to generate "a revolutionary black, Asian and Hispanic globalization, with its own dynamic counter-modernity constructed in order to fight global imperialism. (say what!)
Thursday, July 14, 2005
It gives me something to think about. On the one hand I want to be free to be edgy and candid and open and critical. I should be able to use all the words in the dictionary (and a few that aren't) if I want to. On the other hand, I do feel that the content of this blog is interesting, informative, positive, and its something that I'd want to share with a large set of people. It feels like a trade-off.
respect the technique
fighting terrorism with islam
full story from alt.muslim
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
negrodamus 2
Negrodamus : Because he has the receipt.
negrodamus 1
Negrodamus : White people like Wayne Brady because he makes Brian Gumbel look like Malcolm X.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
"it makes my teeth white" - paul mooney

Have you ever heard of Paul Mooney? He's this amazing Black comedian. In my book he is actually THE Black comedian. He was a writer for Sanford and Son, he wrote for Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Saturday Night Live, and head writer for In Living Color (he's the one who made up Homey the Clown). He has appeared in Spike Lee's film Bamboozled, Robert Townsend's film Hollywood Shuffle and even an episode of Good Times. Most recently he has appeared on the Dave Chapelle show as Negrodamus and on the Ask a Black Dude segment.
An article entitled Straight Talk appeared in the Bay Area journal Metroactive a few years ago gives a taste of Mooney's material but doesn't do it justice. Instead of shucking and jiving like generations of Black comics from Mantan Moreland to Martin Lawrence to the latest Neo-Blaxploitation sit com on UPN (which stands for U Pick a Nigger, according to Mooney) or BET for that matter, Paul Mooney's laser sharp wit is radical, liberating, cutting edge and cathartic.
The two albums of his I'm aware of ("Masterpiece" which I have, and "Race" which I'm trying to find) are both out of print.
Mooney's humor is certainly not for the easily offended, but if you can get past that he has alot to say. If you think about it, due to obvious economic and demographic realities of the market, most Black entertainers and artists are creating a product intended for white consumption, or at least strongly influenced by the preferences and demands of white consumers (e.g. the biggest consumers of mainstream hip-hop are white kids). And in the case of comedy, this means that to a large degree Black comedians set up Black people to be objects of ridicule. But Paul Mooney turns this formula on its head and fights for laughs with the ruthlessness of a Mau-Mau.
He uses his words to redefine the world in new ways. It's like he can reach deep into your gut, up through your limbs, pull out your funny bone and then proceed to beat you upside the head to knock some sense into it.
More later...
Monday, July 11, 2005
on my mind...
I'm also in the middle of Wicked (it fleshes out the backstory of the Wicked Witch of the West, with a sympathetic eye). I'd definitely recommend it. This is the second time I'm reading it. The book has some meaty stuff in terms of the nature of evil and how it sometimes is a matter of perception. (But it goes further than just saying "One man's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter). It realistically fleshes out the world of Oz in terms of politics culture and religion. (The Wizard was a liar who used deception to overthrow Ozma, the legitimate ruler. And in order to concentrate the wealth necessary to actually build an Emerald City or a Yellow Brick road, he then used his power to exploit the neighboring kingdoms and disrupt their ecosystems. Basically the Wizard was a tyrant. The author, Gregory Maguire, also creates several religions for the land Oz. One is a pagan nature-based religion while another is more of an ethical monotheism... in fact, the witch is a "preacher's kid" ). There are also a number of other interesting touches which make the story rather compelling, especially if you are familiar with the original Wizard of Oz.
On deck:
I'm not sure if I'll actually make time to read this, but the other story which has been on my mind these days is M. Butterfly. It is allegedly based on a true story. (I guess truth can be stranger than fiction).
Sunday, July 10, 2005
don't ask for whom the bell tolls...
what is the islamic stance on the london bombings?
(Note, the above answer is from the Hanafi perspective. If your name is Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson or Ann Coulter and you happen to be reading this. You will have to check elsewhere to find out what the non-Hanafi position is)
Actually, I also included this page because there is a link to a paper from Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad called Bombing Without Moonlight: The Origins of Suicidal Terrorism which is a bit old (written last year) but which still makes timely and interesting reading. And from there one can also find links to other writings by Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad...
we are all collateral damage
We Are All Collateral Damage
By Zaid Shakir
The Roads to Peace
The roads to peace are paths of war,
The gentle dove will leave her scar.
The moral men to say the least,
Will kill us all to get their peace.
The roads that lead to victories gained,
Are filled with people full of pain.
Only our Creator knew,
We’d kill so many to save so few.
The recent terrorist tragedy in London is disheartening. Once again some nefarious force has seen fit to totally disregard innocent human life in pursuit of a vile agenda that few of us know and even fewer could understand. The response of the world leaders assembled in Edinburgh for the G-8 Summit is perhaps more disheartening, as it promises more of the misguided policies that have proven so ineffective in prosecuting the war on terror. The leaders of the Western powers continue to imply that they will fight violence with more violence of their own. If current events are any indicator of future developments, such a policy will only serve to beget yet more terrorism.
This is a war being guided on both sides by self-righteous hypocrites whose motives and proclamations mirror each other. Each side sees God as being exclusively with them. That being the case, the restraint and judiciousness urged by Christian and Islamic theology to guide the execution of war is cast aside with wanton impunity. Each side manipulates a vulnerable public to create a climate that allows for the perpetuation and the inevitable escalation of the ongoing slaughter. Each side reserves the right to use the spectacle of indiscriminate violence to “Shock and Awe” the opposition, yet will deny that its tactics can be described as terrorism. Each side sees their civilian population as hapless, innocent victims, while the suffering innocent civilians on the other side are acceptable collateral damage.
There will never be any real progress in ending this terror war, until we realize that we have all become collateral damage, unacceptable collateral damage. That being the case, there is no they or we in this affair. We are they and they are we. When a child in New York never sees his mother again because she was crushed in a collapsed tower at the World Trade Center, we all have suffered an irreplaceable loss. When an impoverished family in Afghanistan is bombed from the face of the Earth by a misguided missile, something of our collective humanity is destroyed by the blast. When a child in Iraq is born with gross birth defects due to his mother’s exposure to depleted uranium, we have all been deformed. When London commuters fear ever again entering the underground, because of the ill-advised actions of a handful of desperate fanatics, their insecurity touches us all.
We, the collaterally damaged, will continue to exist in a state of dehumanizing loss, deformity, and insecurity until we rise up, unite, and refuse to support at any level the policies of leaders who continually fail to heed one of the surest of all political lessons: killing innocent civilians will never lead to a positive outcome for the transgressing party. This realization is the first meaningful salvo anyone could fire in a real war on terror. However, as long as we are not as moved by the suffering of innocent civilians anywhere as we are by the suffering of those close to us, it will be a salvo that remains unfired.
Imam Zaid Shakir
Saturday, July 09, 2005
memin pinguin pulled
stop trippin'
Narrated AbuHurayrah:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Allah, Most High, has removed from you the pride of the pre-Islamic period and its boasting in ancestors. One is only a pious believer or a miserable sinner. You are sons of Adam, and Adam came from dust. Let the people cease to boast about their ancestors. They are merely fuel in Jahannam; or they will certainly be of less account with Allah than the beetle which rolls dung with its nose.
kerry descended from the prophet muhammad?
Harold Brooks-Baker, Publishing Director of BurkeÂs Peerage, said [...]that, ÂSenator Kerry, unlike all of the former presidential hopefuls, is a virtual walking United Nations of Christian, Muslim, Jewish and other descent onlrivaleded by his distant cousin, Queen Elizabeth II of Great BritainÂ.
Such a rich, cultural and religious heritage should give Senator Kerry a great advantage in understanding the complex political issues in the world today, especially those of the Middle East. He is a kinsman of the Shiite Shahs of Persia, the most famous of whom was Shah Abbas I who reigned from 1587 to 1629, and also the Muslim Kings of Tunisia, both of whom descend from the Prophet Muhammad; he is also descended from Alexius I, the Greek Orthodox Emperor of Byzantium who ruled the Eastern Roman Empire from 1081-1118 and via that link is a kinsman of the last Greek Orthodox Emperor Constantine 11th Palaelogus who was slain by the Turks in 1453 while defending Constantinople. Burke's Peerage has documented the SenatorÂs kinship with the Christian kings of Jerusalem and Cyprus and through them, the Bourbon monarchs of France including Louis XV, XVIXVIII XVIII and Charles X of France.
It sounds impressive, and in some sense it is, but if you think about it isn't so amazing. It's similar to how if you are in a room with 23 or more people, it is really likely that there is a pair of people with the same birthday. If you stop and think about all the co-incidences which have to happen in order for it NOT to be the case, it makes perfect sense.
In the case of looking at geneaologies, start with one individual. They have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, 16 great-great-grandparents, etc. in a quickly growing geometric series of ancestors back through the generations. Now, in order for two people to NOT be related, that means that they don't share a common ancestor. And that would mean if you look back at their two geometrically increasing sets of ancestors, they don't overlap. But as you go into the past, in every generation, the number of ancestors is approximately doubling, but the world population of is getting smaller and so eventually it becomes nearly impossible for two people to be unrelated, especially if they are of the same "race". So for example, it has been said that every white person alive today is descended from Charlemagne!
the (real) da vinci code
Anyway, part of the The Da Vinci Code really focuses on a secret stash of documents which establish a radically different alternative understanding of Christian history. I'm not going to spoil the novel by giving away whether the characters find this hidden stash or not. But in the "real world", if you are curious, you might be interested in checking out some of the many resources out there associated with early alternative forms of Christianity.
The most significant alternative form of early Christianity is Gnosticism.
A good resource for looking at many of these alternative texts (Other gospels, the Nag Hammadi texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls, etc.) is the Gnostic Society Library
Another good place to look is the Wesley Center Online's page on Noncanonical Literature or the early Christian writings page
There is a large amount of overlap among these pages but you they each have their differences too.
From a Muslim perspective this literature is especially interesting because it can help fill a particular gap: If Jesus was a Muslim, then where did the original Christians go, and where did the Pauline Christians come from?
By looking at these alternative texts maybe we can come closer to the actual Gospel of Jesus; the Injeel described in the Quran. And by looking at the history of these other groups perhaps we can understand the process by which Christianity went from the original teachings of Christ, to spreading and "mutating" into a larger movement with ALOT of theological diversity, and then changing again into the official religion of the Holy Roman Empire.
For example, some Christian groups had different understandings of the crucifixion and saw Jesus as a human and not as the divine second person of the Trinity.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
"and the indians, give them whatever they want"
`Biggest crowd ever!' Rosenberg yelled at the window. He was almost deaf. Jason Kline, his senior law clerk, stood behind him. It was the first Monday in October, the opening day of the new term, and this had become a traditional celebration of the First Amendment. A glorious celebration. Rosenberg was thrilled. To him, freedom of speech meant freedom to riot.
`Are the Indians out there?' he asked loudly.
Jason Kline leaned closer to his right ear.
`With war paint?'
`Yes! In full battle dress.'
`Are they dancing?'
The Indians, the blacks, whites, browns, women, gays, tree lovers, Christians, abortion activists, Aryans, Nazis, atheists, hunters, animal lovers, white supremacists, black supremacists, tax protestors, loggers, farmers - it was a massive sea of protest. And the riot police gripped their black sticks.
`The Indians should love me!'
`I'm sure they do.' Kline nodded and smiled at the frail little man with clenched fists. His ideology was simple; government over business, the individual over government, the environment over everything. And the Indians, give them whatever they want.
I don't think I've ever seen a "complex" political philosophy, encapsulated so briefly. I occasionally wonder if I can sum up my own beliefs as concisely. Sometimes I feel like my views are more the product of ad hoc sympathies and "teams" that I root for than the product of an objective overarching political ideology. (Would it be fair to say that Muslims are especially susceptible to this?) But then again, I think my views do tend to fit into Rosenberg's list above.
I've recently come to realize that I value freedom of speech more than the average person. A free marketplace of ideas is necessary for the truth to come out. Especially when it comes to criticizing government policy.
"'What kind of jihad is better?' He replied, 'A word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler!'"
(Sunan Al-Nasa'i , No. 4209)
Obviously on religious grounds one should strive for adab (good manners) and treat people well, and not gossip, lie, back-bite, slander, etc. One should speak in the best of terms.
But if someone is going to use a racial slur against me, for example, I think I would much rather to have the right to call them out as a racist prick than have the legal authority to punish them for their words.
The other response I would have to Rosenberg's list would be to make the part about "Indians" (dispossessed refugees, pro-independence, pro-autonomy forces) much more central. Whether you are talking about Puerto Rican nationalists, Kurds, Kashmiris, Chechens, Palestinians, etc. I think government should depend on the consent of the governed and there are certain places around the world where some groups have clearly withheld their consent. At the same time, there are clear advantages to international organizations like the UN or NATO or OAS etc.
I guess if I were Emperor of the Planet, I would cut up countries into smaller pieces according to national/ethnic/linguistic/religious boundaries but then at the same time I would like to encourage cooperation within voluntary international organizations of nations.
young lords
Ahora que estamos en el Norte, que traemos?
Now that we are in the North, what do we bring?
Part of an answer has to lie in the Young Lords Party, the Puerto Rican answer to the Black Panthers. (Some of these websites were already included in an earlier blog entry about the Last Poets mainly because Felipe Luciano was an early member of both organizations)
Young Lords Internet Resource, comprehensive collection of links for further research and documents for download
Latino/a Education Network Service, excellent history and explanation of the Young Lords with lots of links and access to a book and documentary about the Young Lords
¡Palante, Siempre Palante!, an extensive site about the Young Lords
Young Lords Party 13-Point Program and Platform (original version)
E-text has numerous articles related to the Young Lords
"The Young Lords and Early Chicago Puerto Rican Gangs" attempts to place the Young Lords in the context of ethnic Puerto Rican history and youth-gang history.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
the da vinci code
For example, there is Stigmata a film which is, in a visual sense, very well done. There are many shots of the movie which are set up like powerfully beautiful photographs. Aspects of the movie are inspired by the Gospel of Thomas and (like the Da Vinci code) part of the plot involves a group within the Catholic Church who is apparently willing to go to great lengths in order to gain control of a powerful secret.
Dogma is a Kevin Smith comedy. It certainly isn't for the easily offended. I won't say very much about the plot except that like The Prophecy and Constantine (two movies which are in other respects also VERY similar to one another... but The Prophecy came first) it features angels as the "villians". And like the Da Vinci code it also plays with the idea that Jesus has living relatives in the modern-day.
My favorite thing to mention about Dogma is the fact that Chris Rock's character, Rufus the black disciple, is *actually in the Bible*. He's possibly mentioned twice:
Right before Mark's description of the crucifixion we can read:
And they compelled a passer-by, Simon of Cyre'ne, who was coming in from the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to carry his cross. And they brought him to the place called Gol'gotha (which means the place of a skull). (Mark 15:21-22)
Cyrene is in Northern Africa. And then as a part of the introduction to one of Paul's letters he writes:
Greet Rufus, eminent in the Lord, also his mother and mine. (Romans 1:13)
Millenium is a tv series by the makers of the X-Files. Except where the typical X-files episodes might have to do with aliens and psychic phenomena, the typical episode of Millenium has to do with serial killers and apocalyptic/satanic cults. And like the Da Vinci code, a big part of the series had to do with the idea that Jesus has relatives who are alive in modern-times.
Actually, I understated it when I said that the Da Vinci is based on ideas which have already been floating around in the culture. In fact the authors of another work Holy Blood, Holy Grail (which claims to be a non-fictional work about secret societies, the Holy Grail and the descendents of Jesus) are trying to sue the author of The Da Vinci code for plagarism.
Even so, the Da Vinci Code seems like an engaging book so far and I'm eager to see how it ends.
poetry slam
chess films
Searching for Bobby Fischer is the story of real-life chess prodigy Josh Waitzkin, a young middle-class white kid who enters the world of competitive chess. (Certain aspects of the movie are fictional even though many of the characters correspond to real people). For me, one of the most interesting aspects of the film is the fact that so much of it is actually set up like a chessboard, in the sense of being composed of adjacent black and white squares. For most characters, there are several other characters who are their "opposite" according to some point of view.
In Fresh, the action of the plot also mirrors the game of chess but in a different way; several of the characters are clearly meant to correspond to chess pieces. And so even though the main character Michael (nicknamed Fresh) is a chess prodigy who learned how to play the game from his father (played by Samuel Jackson), the most important "game" in the movie the very real struggle of Fresh to against himself and the forces which conspire to overwhelm him. So where Josh is a real person watching an unreal game, Fresh is a fictional character but he is "playing" in the real world. But like watching a chess game, we never see Fresh explaining to us the ultimate plan behind his actions. All we see are a series of moves. Drugs are swapped. A lie is told. Pieces sacrificed. And in the end, one side or another ends up checkmated (or is it a draw?)
Either way, I would highly recommend both movies. (And it is interesting to see them together). They both have excellent casts, excellent dialogue (Chess definitely needs more trash-talking) and excellent stories.
Monday, July 04, 2005
who is muqtedar khan?
Muqtedar Khan's IJTIHAD website
His blog, GLOBALOG
His column on global affairs, GlobalEye
And also, here is a highly critical piece on Khan from ZNET called Memo to Muqtedar by Abu Dharr