Sunday, March 20, 2005

Latinos and Islam

The relation between Latino history and Islam is an interesting one to consider. Alot more research could bear to be done on the topic. The interaction is complex and multilayered. On the one hand, Spain itself was a Muslim country for ceveral centuries, which certainly left its mark on subsequent Spanish culture and learning. The Spanish language itself has many loan-words from Arabic.

But then at the same time, the founding myth for Spanish identity is wrapped up in opposition to the Moorish culture. The Reconquista the Inquisition. "In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue". The same year marked the expulsion of the Jews and the Muslims from Christian Spain and into the Ottoman Empire.

Islam also has some connections with the non-Spanish roots of Latino people. When people like Ivan Van Sertima suggest that there were groups who discovered the Americas before Columbus, typically the candidates are from Muslim civilizations. And so some researchers in this area have pointed to evidence which seems to suggest an early Muslim presence among the Indians of North America (for example, place names like T-ALLAH-assee, Florida.

Then on top of that, many of the slaves brought into Latin America from Africa, originated in Muslim areas of Africa. And so, for instance, in "Islam, Black Nationalism and Slavery" we can read about how for a time, many of the slaves in Brazil were taken from Muslim areas and fought jihads to gain their freedom. This gave the "owners" so much trouble that significantly stopped importing Muslim slaves.

So, from three different directions Latinos have organic connections to Islam. (well, you wouldn't have guessed that if you went by how much chorizo gets eaten.)

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