Back in 2009, Jasser appeared on Capitol Hill to give a briefing on the dangers of "political Islam". Rep. Keith Ellison was also present and gave a spot-on analysis of why Jasser's efforts are essentially undemocratic and dangerous (and he all but called Jasser a sell-out).
What is both funny and sad from a certain perspective is that even someone with Jasser's agenda still isn't loyal enough for Islamophobic activists. For example, in the article Where are all the Jassers? Pamela Geller makes a range of criticisms against Jasser and ends by saying "Dr. Jasser, I am not aiding the "Islamists." But it is not at all certain that you aren't."
I'm definitely reminded of the ayat: [2.120] And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion. [...]
M.T. Akbar: Zuhdi Jasser: Who does he Really Work For?
Tundra Tabloids: What to think about Zuhdi Jasser……?
Hussein Rashid: The Right’s Hate Rhetoric Makes them Eat Their Own