Here is the recent "Wheel of Fortune" episode of South Park,
With Apologies to Jesse Jackson. The last couple of minutes really sums up some of the small-scale political issues in my life right now. When a white person is criticized for problematic behavior around race, they may sincerely feel bad, but they still have plenty of white privilege and other forms of power to wield which they are capable of ruthlessly exercising in order to feel okay. In this episode we see Randy Marsh (Stan's father) accidentally use the n-word and get taunted as "the nigger guy". But by the end, he (along with Michael Richards and Mark Fuhrman) is able to get legislation passed to ban this hateful language. As the reporter said:
From now on, if a person uses the word "nigger," it must be at least seven words away from the word "guy."Planet Grenada on Michael Richards