Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Monday, August 01, 2005

robert karimi

It was around Ramadan
and i was wondering whether i should
fast every friday for 40 days
and give up something like liver or C-SPAN for Lent.
or kick it with my muslim self
and just make fastin’ a daytime thing.
givin’ up rum&coke, chorizo and getting busy for 4 weeks.
then i heard a voice:

I first saw Robert Karimi on Def Poetry Jam doing a piece called get down w/yr. muslim-catholic self (Karimi is Iranian/Guatemalan). I think his work is really interesting, but I tend to be cautious about certain religious boundaries and to be honest this piece didn't sit well with me. It's a little hard to explain, especially given some of my previous entries on different religions, but my "inner Taliban" is very resistant to the idea of mixing and matching between Christianity and Islam.

I think it is a beautiful thing to treat people of different religions kindly and graciously and be mad cool with them. It is also great to recognize the positivity which exists in other religious traditions and respect the good things which they teach and practice. But I found it difficult to really "feel" the kind of syncretism he suggests in that piece. It just rubbed me the wrong way.

I think my feelings are connected to the fact that in my own religious journey, I developed some relatively clear ideas about what "Christianity" is and what "Islam" is, and the two can't really be reconciled in my mind. And so a desire for integrity (sense of "wholeness") required me to reject one and accept the other. When I became Muslim I had a strong urge to make a clean break with Christianity. I actually look forward to the prospect of (inshaAllah) having a family and not lying to my kids about Santa Claus, and not putting up lights, and not hauling in some big dead tree into the house and instead getting to celebrate Ramadan, and Ashurah, and the two Eids.

Another reason for my reaction to Karimi's piece has to do with how I think the nature of religion relates to the nature of ethnicity. Off the top of my head, I would say that ethnicity is essentially expressed by a collection of practices. It is in the food you eat. In the language you speak and the way that you speak it. It's in the clothes that you wear. The way you walk . The music you listen to or don't listen to. And so on. There are definitely limits to how far I would want to go with this, but ethnicity is almost something measurable, akin to cultural literacy. It is something which strengthens and fades with the passing of generations.

Religion, on the other hand, is not just a collection of practices, it is a matter of conviction. A Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim. Whether or not they speak Arabic (or Hausa, or Urdu, or Farsi, or Swahili, etc.). Whether or not they eat briyani or bean pies. Whether or not they wear a baseball cap and baggy sweats or a turban and a shalwar kameez. There is no such thing as being half-Catholic or one-quarter Muslim. There are certain groups which, out of a sense of inclusion, try to promote the concept of being a "cultural Muslim" (Al-Fatiha and PMU come to mind) but in my opinion that approach is a bit misguided. It just makes the word "Muslim" less meaningful reducing it to a culture rather than a conviction.

Moreover, as Paul Tillich says, religion is a matter of your "ultimate concern". Faith has to do with what you believe in absolutely and without reservation. And from that perspective, you definitely can't have real faith in more than one religion at the same time. "You cannot serve two masters". I imagine that somewhere along the line Karimi is going to have to decide whether or not he feels more comfortable calling himself a Christian or Muslim or something else entirely different. But of course, I'm not his momma so ultimately it really isn't any of my business.

I don't pretend to be the perfect Holier Than Thou type of Muslim by any means. But I think we're just at different places. I think part of my reaction is that here is someone who identifies as Latino and also has some connection to Islam, but nevertheless I don't identify with him as much as I would have expected at first.

It's totally possible that above I'm taking this issue more seriously (and literally) than he intended. I actually imagine that Robert Karimi was simply exercising a certain amount of poetic license to talk about some things which were on his mind and he doesn't seriously try to take out his praying carpet and say a few Hail Marys to the East. I'm sure he's a nice person and I can still appreciate the rest of the body of his work in a positive way. But the piece which he performed on Def Poetry Jam just seems like a convenient springboard for me to say certain things.

(And he probably feels the same way).

quicktime performance by Robert Karimi at "Poems Y Poemas A Night of Latin Verse"
Profile of Robert Karimi from the e-poets network
Robert Karimi's KaoticGood website
a more academic look at his work entitled: Border-Crossers and Zeroes: Violence and Identity in Elia Arce’s performances and Robert Karimi’s “Self-the Remix” by Gustavo Adolfo Guerra Vasquez

anthrax is safer than poetry


Please help feed some poor starving poets. You can order online from The Wordsmith Press

Twenty one poems by the 2005 Ann Arbor Poetry Slam team. There is a huge talent in this group of poets and their talents run the gamut of genres and styles. There is literally something for everyone here. From the hilariously surreal "The Girl in the White Bikini Torments Me," to the stoic and sweet sadness of "A Comb for Ebony," to the delightfully silly "this poèm is entitled 'Forsooth Thy Moon Majestic'" to the inspirational "There are No Poets," you'll find something to make you laugh or think or even wince a little in painful recognition. Proceeds go to get the Ann Arbor Poetry Slam team to the National Poetry Slam.

bryonn bain

Here is a link to Bryonn Bain's own website

urban renaissance: youth and spoken word

I'm in a poetic mood these days so I decided to share. This is a transcript of a radio show from a while back where a cool confluence of conscious folks (Walidah Imarisha, Bryonn Bain, Chinaka Hodge, James Kass, Tiger Walsh, Antonio Elmo Mims, Bill Hollman, David Yanofsky and Asheena McNeel) come together to talk about the future of spoken word, spitting poetry along the way. My favorite piece has got to be Bryonn Bain's, "I used to worship in the Temple". I've only read it so I have to imagine what it would sound like with Louis Armstrong singing "What a Wonderful World" in the background.

anida esguerra

Anida is a Muslim (among other things) spoken word artist and here is a page which gives a taste of some of what she is up to lately. I'm just glad that people like her are out there representing with amazing amounts of creativity and energy.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

the wonderful wizards of ozomatli

Here is a story from the San Francisco Chronicle (thanks George) called The Wonderful Wizards of Ozomatli. They are an AMAZING band. I've seen them in concert and have some of their music. Their musical influences trot the globe, but Latin, African (and recently) Middle Eastern/North African sounds are certainly well-represented. At one point, Ozomatli also shared members with the equally creative, partially Muslim, rap collective Jurassic 5.

Ozomatli's website
Wikipedia on Ozomatli
Interview with Chali 2NA of Jurassic 5
Jurassic 5's website
Wikipedia on Jurassic 5


Saturday, July 30, 2005

the billion-dollar myth

July 31, 2005

The Billion-Dollar Myth
The 'Matrix' movies portray a frightening alternate reality. When a writer sued the movies' creators for stealing her ideas, she inadvertently exposed another reality--a racial one--that's no less troubling.

Sophia Stewart didn't attend her June 13 hearing at the U.S. federal court building in downtown Los Angeles. She saw the proceeding as a minor hurdle on the way to an anticipated July 12 trial in her copyright infringement suit against directors Andy and Larry Wachowski, James Cameron and other defendants—a trial she imagined would be "one of the largest suits for damages in the history of the film industry."

Her lawsuit claimed that the lucrative "Matrix" and "Terminator" film franchises were based on her ideas. Last month's request by the defendants to dismiss the case was an act of desperation, Stewart believed, because her proof of theft was indisputable. Stewart had attracted many supporters (mostly African American, who agreed that Hollywood had ripped her off) and detractors who question both the validity of her claims and her sanity ever since she began trying to rally support for her case in 2003. She claimed that she would have "big surprises" for the judge and jury, as well as for all of the naysayers, when her case finally went to trial.

Unfortunately, Judge Margaret Morrow wasn't interested in surprises. In her 53-page ruling, Morrow dismissed Stewart's case, noting that Stewart and her attorneys had not entered any evidence to bolster the key claims in her suit or demonstrated any striking similarity between her work and the accused directors' films. Stewart says she is hiring additional attorneys and is asking the court to reconsider that decision, but earlier this summer, in a nearly empty courtroom 790 of the Roybal Federal Building, Stewart's case apparently ended with a whimper.

But as in the "Matrix" movies, there's an alternate reality to this story that says a lot about the continuing racial divide between a mistrusting black America and the mainstream media. Stewart's courtroom defeat stands in bizarre contrast to what many of her fellow African Americans hold true, or want to believe happened as a result of her lawsuit.

In that alternate reality—created by Internet chain letters, radio stations and reputable community newspapers, and still flourishing on the World Wide Web—people sincerely believe that Stewart won her lawsuit last fall, and that she now is the wealthiest African American in the country, thanks to a record multibillion-dollar award. Her supposed settlement has been hailed as a legendary achievement in copyright infringement law, and a major moment in African American history. People also think that word of her victory has been suppressed as the result of one of the most sophisticated media conspiracies in history—even though none of that is true.

The Wachowski brothers' professional résumé was limited prior to "the Matrix"; they had written the screenplay for the lackluster 1995 Sylvester Stallone action film "Assassins," and in 1996 had made their directing debut with the low-budget noir crime flick "Bound." To hear Stewart tell it, that lack of experience suggests fraud.

"I'm the kind of master writer that comes once upon this Earth," Stewart says by phone from her Las Vegas home a week before the June 13 court hearing. "You don't go from [doing] a mediocre movie to a work of genius like 'The Matrix.' "

The Bronx, N.Y., native makes her living doing paralegal work and tax preparation. She is divorced and has two adult children, though she won't reveal her age, explaining that she doesn't believe in pagan rituals and refuses to celebrate holidays or birthdays. "It's all lies and illusions," she says. "We're timeless and ageless." She adds that her spiritual attitude forms the basis for the wise Oracle character in the "Matrix" films: "The Oracle is me. I wrote myself into my work."

In 1983, she says, she completed a science fiction tale titled "The Third Eye," which she copyrighted the following year. Stewart says the as-yet unpublished work—submitted as part of the fact-finding phase of her case—totals 120 pages, including a screen treatment, a 47-page version of the manuscript and a 29-page "original manuscript" with additional pages containing a synopsis, character analyses, illustrations and a table of contents. In 1986, she says, she saw an advertisement posted in a national magazine by the Wachowski brothers soliciting science fiction manuscripts to make into comic books and she sent them all of her materials for "The Third Eye," including a copy of her original manuscript. "My dream was to have my work seen as a movie and a comic book," she says.

Stewart says she never heard from the Wachowskis, and never had her materials returned. Morrow's ruling notes, however, that Stewart did not produce the ad as evidence. In denying that they ever placed such an ad, the Wachowskis said that, in 1986, Andy was just 18 and brother Larry was a 21-year-old college student.

Flash forward to the March 1999 theatrical release of "The Matrix." Stewart, then living in Salt Lake City, went with a friend to see the film. "I said to myself, 'I wrote this,' " she recalls, saying she recognized themes and characters from "The Third Eye" in the film. In June 1999, she says, she filed a written complaint with the FBI, charging that a copyright crime had taken place. In April 2003, acting as her own attorney, Stewart filed a lawsuit against a host of defendants, including the Wachowskis, "Terminator" director James Cameron, producers Gale Anne Hurd and Joel Silver, 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros., accusing them of copyright infringement and of violating Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) laws, which were created in 1970 to combat organized criminal entities.

Not long after that, her story began to take a strange turn. Stewart produced and circulated a news release, trying to rally support for her copyright case by recounting her claims and request for damages. The mainstream media response was tepid, at best. However, one newspaper did find her story quite interesting.

On Oct. 28, the Salt Lake Community College's Globe ran an article on its website with the audacious headline " 'Mother of the Matrix' Victorious." Written by a second-year communications student, the article was among the first on the Web to reveal aspects of Stewart's story. Unfortunately, it also was rife with errors, stating among other things that Stewart had won her case (she hadn't) and that she was about to receive one of the biggest payoffs in Hollywood history (she wasn't). The story also questioned why the case had received no media coverage, and quoted Stewart's claim on a website that Warner Bros. had been suppressing coverage of her case for years because AOL Time Warner "owns 95 percent of the media … They are not going to report on themselves." Among the publications and businesses she claimed the company owned: the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Newsweek magazine and DreamWorks. In fact, AOL Time Warner doesn't own any of them.

It didn't take long for some mistakes to get the attention of Quentin Wells, the manager of the SLCC Student Media Center, which produces the Globe. "My son, who is a copyright attorney, read the article and said, 'This can't be right,' " Wells says. After approaching Stewart and checking the information in the piece, Wells discovered that Stewart's supposed "victory" was nothing more than a successful defense against an early motion to have her case dismissed. "It was an error [by] the writer," says Wells. "She had misinterpreted what Stewart had said."

Within a week, the Globe added a correction, but at the end of the Web version of the story. Yet a few weeks later, Wells noticed that the Globe website's server traffic had exploded from 14,500 hits a month to more than 640,000. "I contacted our [Internet] provider and told him that his counter must be broken."

It wasn't, and almost all of the new traffic was linking to the Sophia Stewart story. Also, in the brief time that the Globe story was uncorrected on the website, it had been copied and circulated around the Internet through mailing lists. Several Internet blogs then had linked to the story, bringing a steady stream of visitors to the site. The mythos of Stewart's victory continued to grow despite the correction.

The Globe ran a follow-up story this January, which continued to stoke conspiracy beliefs by stating as fact Stewart's assertion that "Warner Bros. and the other defendants in the case have also sought, with almost complete success, to prevent any publicity regarding the suit from appearing in any national or even local media. The result has been an almost total news blackout about the matter."

Soon, both Globe articles were reappearing almost verbatim on news websites such as Manhunt.com and continuing to make the rounds on mailing lists, sometimes with new bylines. Unlike the original stories, these reprints never included the correction stating that Stewart hadn't won her case. Radio hosts and callers on radio stations such as Hot 97 in New York City and KPFA's Hard Knock Radio in Berkeley also were discussing the Stewart case. The story began to appear in African American community newspapers such as the Westside Gazette in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and the Columbus Times in Georgia. Most of those articles echoed the bad information in the original Globe piece. By April, a vast number of African Americans had read or heard some erroneous version of the Sophia Stewart story.

Such mistakes have long proliferated in American ethnic communities, but the Internet has added to their speed and potency. When the athletic footwear rage of the 1980s led to violence and deaths among urban kids, rumors surfaced in the African American community that one major manufacturer was owned by South Africans, and its profits were being used to support apartheid. After a particular brand of Mexican beer got a foothold in the U.S. market in the 1980s, rumors that Mexican workers were urinating in it were rampant in the western U.S. In her 1994 book "I Heard It Through the Grapevine: Rumor in African-American Culture," UC Davis professor Patricia Turner explains that the symbolic quality of some stories often is more important to certain groups than whether those stories are true. Stewart's story seemed particularly credible because she is a real person who filed a real case. "Sophia Stewart is David against Goliath," says Turner, and she represents African Americans who have been victimized by corporations.

Still, the tide is slowly turning. Essence, a million-subscriber magazine aimed at an African American audience, had never published a story on Sophia Stewart. But in its May issue it asked readers to hold off on repeating claims of Stewart's victory, and it pointed out that the case was not scheduled for trial until July. Some Internet chatter in recent months has become less sympathetic toward Stewart and her claims, with one fellow writer claiming "my loony detector alarms started going off" as he read more about her case.

That hasn't stopped columnists at many African American newspapers and news sites from continuing to speculate. Manhunt.com content manager Tamara Harris said the erroneous version of Stewart's story is appealing because it "vindicates all of the black artists going through this."

Not everyone believed the rumors. "The first time I saw it, I dismissed it," says Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu, a technology columnist at the Star, a 60,000-circulation daily that serves Chicago's largely black southern suburbs. "But then, even though it sounded unbelievable to me at first, I didn't want to completely discount it until I saw evidence that it wasn't true."

Despite the wealth of misinformation circulating on the Internet, finding out the status of the case is as easy as making a telephone call. Stewart makes herself available to answer media questions, and a website called http://www.Daghettotymz.com lists her contact information and offers downloadable files of court documents. The site is the first hit when Stewart's name is Googled.

Yet Bobby Henry Sr., publisher of the Westside Gazette in Florida, remained confused recently when told about the case's status. "She didn't win?" Henry asked. "I'm shocked, because her having already won is all out there. It was even on the Tom Joyner [radio] show that she won." Representatives of the nationally syndicated Joyner program say they haven't written about Stewart on the show's site, and couldn't pinpoint when or if Stewart was mentioned on the air.

Dr. Todd Boyd, professor of critical studies at USC's School of Cinema-Television, says the Stewart case speaks to African Americans' deep distrust of the media. "A lot of people, regardless of race, continue to have very unsophisticated views of the media," said Boyd. "And many African Americans in particular are still very distrustful of the media." That distrust comes from a history of being either negatively portrayed or completely ignored by the press.

Bruce Isaacs of Wyman & Isaacs, the attorney representing the defendants in the Stewart case, says a media conspiracy is not the reason the case has seen little coverage. "The question shouldn't be why hasn't the media covered this case, it should be why would the media cover this case?" says Isaacs. "It's a run-of-the-mill copyright case, and I think the judge clearly addressed the case's merits in her ruling."

As for Stewart, she still believes that AOL Time Warner is suppressing her struggle—"Why am I not on 'Larry King Live' or 'Oprah'? " she wonders—and remains determined to make the rumor into a reality. After the judge dismissed the case, Stewart was upbeat. If Morrow won't reconsider her decision, Stewart says she will appeal the judge's decision to the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and to the Supreme Court, if necessary. "And they'll rule in my favor," says Stewart. "So tell everybody that it's not over until the fat lady sings, and she hasn't sung yet."

the mother of the matrix

I haven't done much blogging on Afro-futurism lately, even though I imagined it being a bigger part of Planet Grenada in the beginning. But apparently there has been a new development in the case of Sophia Stewart which makes me want to touch on the subject again.

If you haven't heard already, Stewart is a Black woman who was suing the Wachowski Brothers and Time-Warner on the grounds that she wrote a story called "The Third Eye" which both The Terminator and The Matrix were based on. (The connection is that unborn John Connor who grows up to heroically lead the humans against the machines in the Terminator films, is supposed to be Neo, or "the One" of the Matrix films.)

A recent development was reported in the LA Times in a story called The Billion-dollar Myth. Sadly, the case has been dismissed for lack of evidence, but the LA Times goes on to make some interesting points about how the case relates to other areas where blacks and whites seem to have very different perceptions of the same events.

To be honest, when I first saw the Matrix in the theater I keep thinking over and over again "hey I've seen this before". More than most films, there were many elements of the plot and the setting which I had seen in other works of sci-fi. So from a certain perspective, it wasn't surprising someone would accuse them of plagarism.

In the case of the Terminator, talk of plagarism is much older (in fact James Cameron had already settled with Harlan Ellison over such accusations)

An interview with Sophia Stewart talking about her work

The Mother of the Matrix: Sophia Stewart a website with more background on the case

Story from Salt Lake Community College paper which incorrectly reported that Stewart had already won.

iran and nuclear weapons?

A piece from Common Dreams called Iran: Threatening or Threatened? discussing Iran and its future. I'm considering it as my PBU homework assignment.

don't ask for whom the bell tolls

The Chicago Defender recently published a commentary piece called London and other Atrocities which puts certain things in perspective. Yes, all men and women are created equal, but like George Orwell said, some are "more equal than others".

arab-american demographics

Not exactly news to some folks. But it can be surprising if you haven't heard it before. Most Arab-Americans are actually Christian!?!? Less than a quarter of Arab-Americans are Muslims ?!?! Of course that's just on this side of the pond. The statistics are different in the Middle East.

islamic iraq?

According to the Guardian, Islam Dominates Iraq's Draft Constitution

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Framers of Iraq's constitution will designate Islam as the main source of legislation - a departure from the model set down by U.S. authorities during the occupation - according to a draft published Tuesday.

``Islam is the official religion of the state and is the main source of legislation,'' reads the draft published in the government newspaper Al-Sabah. ``No law that contradicts with its rules can be promulgated.''

Somewhere in the white house, some folks are probably scratching their heads...

Friday, July 29, 2005

i guess we ALL look alike

More details on Jean Charles de Menezes, the Brazilian man who was shot 7 times and killed by London police in the wake of the recent attacks. From Common Dreams

the myth of reggaeton

Here is an interesting piece from Davy-D's Hip-Hop on the racial politics of reggaeton called The Myth of Reggaeton by E-PROPS. However, what seems bizzare to me is that, reading between the lines, the author seems to resent the success of reggaeton and sees it as a tool for "Hispanics of European descent" to take something away from Black dancehall reggae artists. But in reality many of the reggaeton artists (starting with El General, who performed the first reggaeton song "Pum Pum Mami Mami") are themselves Latinos of African descent. And reggaeton itself grew out of the cultural synthesis which occured when West Indians moved to Panama (where El General is from) and Puerto Rico. So although the piece from E-Props probably makes some valid points, I'm still concerned that in the name of defending Black cultural ownership of reggae, he may really just be defending ethnocentrism and pitting one group of people of African-descent against another.

angels and demons

So I just finished Dan Brown's Angels and Demons about an hour ago. It has a similar formula to the Da Vinci Code. But where the Da Vinci Code ended on a mellower, more contemplative note, and gave more food for thought in terms of religious ideas... Angels and Demons had several radical and surprising reversals which kept you on the edge of your seat, and was more satisfying in terms of storytelling.

At the same time, if you have a nit-picking mentality, some have pointed to a great number of factual errors, inconsistencies and holes in the plot. And some of the twists might be a little hard to swallow. Also, a major villan in the novel is a sadistic, misogynistic Arab man only identified as "Hassassin" so I don't think Dan Brown is going to be getting any prizes from any Arab/Muslim civil rights organizations any time soon. Come to think of it, in the Da Vinci Code, there is an albino villan who plays an analagous role (as a pawn who does most of the dirty work) and I've heard that some albino groups have expressed concern about how this villan will be portrayed when the movie version is produced.

I imagine that Brown probably feels justified in using such stock stereotypical characters in order better hide the identity of the real villans, but still I wish he had gone a different route.

A big part of the plot involves the Illuminati which is a big favorite target of many conspiracy theorists. I think of myself as pretty moderate when it comes to accepting such theories. But as I've said before, the fact is, the world isn't a democracy. Some people have more power over human lives than others, and some of these powerful people hang out. That doesn't mean that you should believe every conspiracy theory presented to you, but it also doesn't mean that you can dismiss them all out of hand without considering them. Everything should be weighed on its merits.


Thursday, July 28, 2005

glimpses of granada

Occasionally I get e-mails from people who read Planet Grenada and send me links that are interesting and are connected somehow to some of the things I talk about in here. Here are a couple of recent ones.

Jai is a Black blogger with a site called Blog Blog Woof Woof. He got married recently (congratulations) and had his honeymoon in Granada, Spain and uploaded pictures onto his site. So if you want to see pictures of what the original Granada looks like today you might want to check it out. If you look at the rest of his blog he also seems to be a Buddhist so he has a certain amount of spiritual content there as well.

The second entry is from a blog called Mudd Up! (which to be honest, I don't entirely "get") but it seems to have an interesting mix of info on music from Africa and the Middle East, mixed in with other topics. The entry which was sent to me was called BLACK SABBATH & LEO AFRICANUS which has a bit of historical information about the city of Timbuktu and Leo Africanus, who was born in the original Granada. (There are also links with more information about Islamic Spain and Africa.

the black stone

I'm in the middle of reading Angels and Demons, the book which comes before The Da Vinci Code, [2] but is by the same author. Both books feature Robert Langdon, a Harvard professor with an extensive knowledge of art and secret societies through European history.

The story of Angels and Demons involves a complex plot to attack the Vatican, among other things, as a way to attack the Catholic Church and religion in general.

The thought had crossed my mind before, but especially in the wake of Tancredo's remarks, reading the above made me wonder what would happen if the US or some other group actually DID nuke Mecca. What would the implications be?

What happened to Judaism when the Temple was destroyed? The first time? The second time? The third time? If someone nuked Mecca how would it affect the faith of Muslims?

What is interesting, but which I wish I understood better and knew more about, is that in the past there have been other groups which have made attacks on the Kabba and the stone with mixed results.

VERY brief timeline of the Black Stone

The most extreme example which I know of is how apparently a group called the Caramathians (sometimes written Qaramathians) had actually stolen the Black Stone from the Kabba and kept it for about 22 years.

In 317/929, the Qarmatians had spread down in Hijaz, and flooded Mecca and Kaba with the blood of pilgrims under the command of Abu Tahir. They made it a scene of fire, blood and repine for 17 days. It must be known that the Qarmatians had been severely and rigorously condemned by the Fatimids for not complying with the pact and reached late at the Egyptian border. In reprisal, the Qarmatians moved to discredit the Fatimids and recited the Fatimid khutba in place of the Abbasid in Hijaz during their horrible operations, so as to misguide the Muslims that their barbarian operations were directed by the Fatimids. The Qarmatians choked up the sacred spring of Zamzam, the door of the Kaba was broken open, the veil covering the Kaba was torn down, and the sacred Black Stone was removed from the Kaba and taken to their headquarters at Hajar. (source)

Eventually (obviously) the stone was returned, but I wonder what people did in the meantime? How did it feel? Did people even go on hajj during that time?

What would happen if an attack like that were repeated? How much of our faith is tied up in buildings and tombs and relics and how much is tied up in more intangible realities? That's actually a tricky question to answer. There is something to be said for sacred places, for physical ritual, for things you can put your hands on. They help nurture and support our faith. Obviously if we loose those things, there would be a real loss. But on the "other hand" there is also something more, which can outlast any building.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

latino and islamic groups want tancredo to quit

Updated: 6:29 p.m. ET July 25, 2005
DENVER - Hispanic and Islamic groups called on Rep. Tom Tancredo to resign Monday, saying he has embarrassed Colorado by suggesting bombing Islamic holy sites if terrorists launch a nuclear attack on the U.S.

They also criticized the GOP congressman’s staunch advocacy of tougher immigration controls.

“Enough is enough. We’re here to say ‘Stop,”’ Hispanic activist Manolo Gonzalez-Estay told a crowd of about 200 at the state Capitol.

Abdur-Rahim Ali, imam of a Muslim shrine in Denver, said Tancredo’s statement that “you could take out” Islamic holy sites in a retaliatory attack was unacceptable.

“What would happen if a prominent Muslim made that statement about Catholic holy places like the Vatican?,” Ali asked.

Tancredo was traveling and unavailable for comment. His spokesman, Will Adams, said the four-term congressman has no intention of apologizing or resigning.

“They are a lot more upset about what he stands for, our nation’s security and border policy, than anything else,” Adams said.

© 2005 The Associated Press.

who is on my blogroll?

I think I will take a hint from Sister Scorpion (part 1, part 2, part 3) and go through my blogroll and say a little something about each one, maybe getting into why I added them. The process will also force me to reconsider why I linked to some blogrolls and whether the original reasons still make sense. Hopefully, I'll also get some reciprocal blogroll love from some of y'all out there too.

When I started my blogroll, I tried to look for alot of non-stereotypical Muslims with well-written sites and interesting, relevant things to say. Honesty, creativity and originality were a big plus. (Hopefully Planet Grenada falls in the same category). I'm sunni and alot of the blogs I added came from a self identified sunni "traditional Muslim" perspective. (For the subtext-impaired, "traditional Muslim" is code for "don't call me a Salafi") But I've also noticed alot of really well done shia blogs too. In my view the ideal Muslim blog should have a large amount of content I wouldn't just be able to find in an Islamic library. So I really like blogs where people shared their thoughtfully reflected on opinions and experiences

There are also some good non-Muslim blogs that I added too because they fit into my own ideas of what I want to do on Planet Grenada. If I find more suitable sites I will add them in the future.

a heavy truth This is a blog from someone who relatively recently converted from sunni Islam to shia Islam. Me personally, I'm still sunni, but I was just compelled by the honesty and integrity reflected in what I was reading from this person's blog that I couldn't help link to it so I could learn more about what steps and stages she was going through.

a wayfarer's journey "These writings are the footprints of my journey. A 31 year old convert to Islam. A Muslim hippie chick and free spirit." I like her blog because it's "real" and off the beaten path.

aaminah hernandez I couldn't resist adding someone who is so into Muslim literature that they chose the name Writeous Sister. (On good days I think of myself as a poet so I can't help the feeling of cameraderie) She has good information about what Muslim writers and artists are up to these days.

abdul-rahim borges This is a young Muslim cat (only 16) but with alot to say and is a confessed lefty. Tends to write more about his own thoughts and direct experiences. Occasional dash of "Latin" content.

abdulsalaam al-hindi Muslim, Indian, college student, living in the heart of dixie. Views on Current Affairs, life, Islam, The "West", Arabs, South Asians, Americans (People in general), Movies, Songs, The Media, and in the words of Yul Brynner(the king) from the movie "The King and I", "ascetraaa ascetraaa ascetraaa"

afroblog An anti-colonial site by Helen W. Tewolde. She likes Mos Def and Frantz Fanon. 'Nuff said. Unfortunately, the site hasn't been updated in a while.

ahmed's world A recent addition to my blogroll. His site is a regular source of information about Islam that would be useful to Muslims, especially from a Hanafi perspective.

alexandalus Another blog which is more a source of information about traditional Islam. (Especially conferences and other gatherings). Very little commentary.

american muslim journal Not alot of traffic. A Muslim lawyer blogs about current events in the news. (I might remove)

anarcho akbar I wouldn't call myself an anarchist but I definitely like alot of the things this cat is trying to say. To me it seems a no-brainer that Muslims should lean to the left. And Yunus Yakub is putting in alot of effort into working out the details of what that means. More power to him.

andalusian reality I like this site except it hasn't been updated in a long time. The blogger is a thoughtful brother. In a number of recent entries who recently has been sharing his perspective on spiritual books he's been reading.

angry iranian Lawrence Ershaghi blogs mostly about Middle Eastern poltics (emphasis on Iran)from a left-of-center perspective. Informative and opinionated (in a good way)

anthology This is a blog from a Yale student named Arafat. The thing I like about his blog is that it is a real live Muslim talking about his everyday life. Nice but kind of tame. Minimal Muslim/political content. (I might remove)

bin gregory is a blog with a very personal tone. Bin Gregory is an American convert to Islam living in Malaysia sharing his life and experiences. He kinda looks like John Walker Lindh. (Congratulations on the new baby!)

de aqui y de alla Elenamary is a (non-Muslim) Latina blogger. I started getting into her site because as far as I can tell she has the largest collection of links to other Latino/Latina bloggers. But the more I read of her site the more I liked the look, vibe, and content there. She's real cool.

dervish Umm Yasmin is an ex-Bahai, currently Muslim, living in Australia with some good things to say about poltics and religion. (She won a Brass Crescent last year for best female blog)

detainment This was originally created to provide information about, and to rally support for, the two Muslim girls in NY who were thought to be "terrorists" by the government. A recent entry suggests that this might expand.

ethnically incorrect I think I added this blog because of two main reasons. Firstly I was intrigued by what Sume would have to say as a Muslim who is "ethnically incorrect" (a Vietnamese Muslimah adopted by a white family with an Arab husband) since I sometimes feel ethnically incorrect in my own way. But secondly on a visual level this blog is strikingly beautiful beyond words. I REALLY like the artwork she displays on a regular basis.

from clay "We're made from clay but also from a spirit that is not of this world. Negotiations between the two are now in session. Meanwhile, you may find here some reviews, commentary, short fiction, translations, links to various articles, excerpted quotes, and anything else that has a good chance of being kindling or edifying" This brother is from Chicago. He's Muslim. He's a writer. I couldn't help myself.

ginny's thoughts A really good mix of opinions on Islamic topics, current events in Africa, and personal-life stuff.

hasan al-mu'min I was happy and sad when I found this short-lived blog. Happy because it is basically the only other blog I've seen by a Latino Muslim of African descent. Sad because it has not been added to in over a year.

holla at a scholar Adisa Banjoko is a Muslim who has a really good blog. He writes mainly about hip-hop, race and politics but there are also healthy doses of entries on Islam, chess and other subjects.

ideant This is a blog by Ulises A. Mejias, a Latino who is married to Muslim intellectual, Asma Barlas. He often has interesting things to say on culture and technology. It is more "academic" than most.

ihsan A REALLY good Muslim group blog with interesting perspectives on current events and Islamic topics.

insight Comments by Louay Safi on Islamic affairs and issues relating to human rights, reform, American Muslims, globalization, democracy, and world peace.

islamicate "We are here to comment upon the culture and society, which affects Muslims, and that are affected by Muslims. We want to make informed, critical commentary.We don't want to be labeled as either 'progressive' or 'conservatives' We hold that there is not a normative Islamic thought, but rather, a spectrum of ideas and thoughts that are in constant engagement with one another." This is a really good general Muslim blog.

izzy mo's blog Musings on Islam, art, culture, beauty and other random tidbits from a Southern-born African-American Muslima and Artist.

latino pundit An informative general Latino blog.

left side of the dial A better than average lefty blog. But it is probably the only one that promotes Kurt Vonnegut's fictional religion of Bokononism

leftfield mullah A nice left-of-center current events Muslim blog.

living tradition A nice blog on traditional Islam. Often very critical of PMUNA.

mere islam Reflections, rants and raves on Islam, Islamic spirituality, comparative religion, current events, modern society, noteworthy books, English grammar, healthy living and the human condition.

moorish girl Moorishgirl is a Morrocan woman who has a very well-done literary blog. Emphasizes Arab-American and Middle Eastern writers.

muslim postcolonial "The Muslim Postcolonial challenges the oppression of Empire and celebrates Islamic cultures and histories around the world"

muslimahsoul An African-American Muslim woman's blog with a refreshing personal and original feel.

negrophile A really nice blog on Black current events. Also generously maintains a HUGE blogroll of Black bloggers.

positive muslim news "News about good things Muslims are doing in North America and around the world." Reminding the ummah and the rest that the glass is half-full.

postcolonial iraq "A postcolonial Iraq watch dedicated to genuine Iraqi self-determination; a post-fundamentalist and post-liberal watch for consociational patriotism and a confessionalism beyond religious as well as secular sectarianism" Really good and interesting political content. Hasn't been added to in some time.

progressive muslim thoughts "In my blog, I present political views especially on the Middle East. I recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and am currently a Scoville Peace Fellow at Citizens for Global Solutions in Washington, DC. I bring my perspective as a Shia Muslim, a grassroots activist, someone who was brought up in the United Arab Emirates & lived in Jordan"

qiyamah forecast Like the song goes... "It's the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine" It's been dead for a while but seems to have been resurrected recently. This is a group blog which brings occasional reminders that the world is often a stranger (and funnier) place than we realize most of the time.

rendering islam A good blog for dealing with all sorts of creative expression by Muslims. "Celebrate the expression of Islam's beauty through visual arts, literature, singing, and more."

old SAFspace Welcome to the thoughts, rants and passions of Saffiyah, a young Canadian Muslim woman seeking soulful enlightenment in cyberspace. Her blog recently moved location: new SAFspace

sister scorpion Strong Muslim mom you don't want to mess with. LOL. She definitely speaks her mind. A very well done blog.

sisters talk A collection of African-American blogs.

some muslim blogs a page with more Muslim blogs.

sufi art An online gallery of the artwork of Sufi Shaykh Husayn Neuzil.Born in Chicago in 1932, Husayn Neuzil studied Toltec, Zapotec and Mayan art in Mexico under the influence of muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros. Neuzil traveled extensively in the Middle-East including Iran, Israel and Turkey. His work shows the influence of Islamic design and illumination. (It hasn't been added to in a while)

sunni sister Just a REALLY good overall Muslim blog. Deals with current events and other useful topics.

the sulbani sagas Creative writing from a Western Sufi (Hispanic?) Hasn't been added to in a while.

thoughts & readings Nice blog with excerpts from Sufi literature.

toward's god is our journey Good general blog with thought Muslim commentary.

unveiled Edgy Muslim writing.

virtually islamic "News, Commentary, Information and Speculation about Islam in the Digital Age"