Thursday, November 10, 2005

the unfinished dialogue

Well, I won't be going to California to see Zaid Shakir and Cornel West speak on the legacies of Malcolm and Martin. But I can read: The Unfinished Dialogue of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X by Clayborne Carson

Also from the Malcolm X Project journal:
Premillennium Tension: Malcolm X and the Eschatology of the Nation of Islam by Wayne Taylor

Going Back to Our Own: Interpreting Malcolm X's Transition from "Black Asiatic" to "Afro-American" by Liz Mazucci


DA said...

I really love this article. Malcolm and King were both great figures in their own ways, trying to drive a wedge between their legacies can be misleading.

Abdul-Halim V. said...

Yes, I totally agree. Especially since King was starting to get more vocal about more radical positions (not just civil rights but anti-Vietnam War, anti-poverty, labor issues)